Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chatter Ji

No..don't take offence for the title of this post. This is not concerning people with Chaterjee/Chatterjee surnames. It's about a sect of people who find it difficult to hit the pause or stop button. I am sure you all would have come across one such person by now if not many. One uncle or aunt amongst the relatives who would be famous for talking endlessly for hours. And the most interesting aspect of these Chatter Ji's is usually their family members are quite shy and less talkative. Maybe they don't want to disturb the rhythm or don't want to add more fuel to the discussion. It is not difficult to spot a few "Chatter Ji's" in office. Usually they can be seen in Food Courts amidst a group of friends, with one person doing the talking and others simply adding a "hmm" or an "ok". I have two of my friends who belong to this category. Usually they don't meet us together for they fear their chances of speaking will clash with each other. On one occasion they both came together for a friend's wedding for the bachelor's party. Though the party was over at 12 pm their chat/discussion continued till 6 am in the morning next day. We promised ourselves to get cotton plugs next time if these two people ever came to party. P.S: So are you a chatter ji? :)

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